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Daguerreotypes Collection [graphic]
8 items
Daguerreotypes Collection graphic]
Collection-level description only
Dail Eireann Postcard Collection
3 items
Dáithí Ó Conaill Papers,1919-1997
15 items
Daly Album
Collection-level description only
Daly of Dunsandle Papers
582 items
Daphne Du Maurier Papers, 1934-1968
22 items
D'Arcy of Hyde Park Papers, 1720-2001
9 items
David B. Fitzgerald (solicitor) and Kenny & Burke Solicitors papers, 1921-1951
20 items
David Marcus Papers, 1913-2007
108 items
De Freyne Papers
85 items
De Vesci Papers, 1552-ca. 1987
Collection-level description only
Deane Hargrave collection, 1821-1917
4 items
Dease family papers, 1800-1900
10 items
Deeds relating to Longford during the reign of King George III, 1714-1766
3 items
Deeds, wills, leases and marriage settlement relating to property in Nenagh, Co. Tipperary, and Dublin City, 1787-1889
11 items
Democratic Left Papers, 1983-1999
54 items
Democratic National Convention Session Book and cover letter, 1928-1929
2 items
Denis Devlin Literary Papers, c.1925-1959
1 items
Department of Local Government Papers, 1920-1921
9 items