II. Papers of Col. John Wolfe,

Bibliographic Details
Main Creator: Wolfe, John, 1753-1816
Contributors: Oriel, John Foster, Baron, 1740-1828
Summary:Papers of Col. John Wolfe of Forenaughts, Co. Kildare, reflecting his involvement in the public and political life of Co. Kildare as a Colonel of the Kildare Militia and Forenaughts Cavalry, his election as an M.P. and appointment as county governor. His papers also shed light on the political and social unrest in Co. Kildare during the 1798 Rebellion, the Emmet Rebellion and the decade that followed. Also included is his correspondence with various members of the Dublin Castle administration, among them Sir Edward Baker Littlehales, Sir Charles Saxton, Alexander Marsden and Robert Peel, his papers relating to the Wolfe family's finances and some fragmentary personal letters, largely relating to his family matters and social and business engagements.
In collection: Wolfe Family of Forenaughts Papers, 1654-1939.
Format: Manuscript
Notes:John Wolfe was the only surviving son of Philpot Wolfe of Forenaughts and Mary (née Burgh), originally of Dromkeen, Co. Limerick. He served as an MP for Co. Kildare (1783 -1790), Killybegs (1790-7) and Carlow borough (1798-1800) and was appointed Colonel of the Kildare Militia in 1796 and County Governor for Kildare in 1804.

Physical description: 88 folders.

II.i. Col. John Wolfe's personal papers. II.ii. Col. John Wolfe's political career. II.iii. Legal and financial papers of Col. John Wolfe. II.iv. Kildare Milita papers. II.v. Political and social unrest in Co. Kildare. II.vi. Dublin Castle administrative papers. II.vii. Miscellaneous papers.

II. Papers of Col. John Wolfe,

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Bibliographic Details
In Collection: Wolfe Family of Forenaughts Papers, 1654-1939.
Description:Papers of Col. John Wolfe of Forenaughts, Co. Kildare, reflecting his involvement in the public and political life of Co. Kildare as a Colonel of the Kildare Militia and Forenaughts Cavalry, his election as an M.P. and appointment as county governor. His papers also shed light on the political and social unrest in Co. Kildare during the 1798 Rebellion, the Emmet Rebellion and the decade that followed. Also included is his correspondence with various members of the Dublin Castle administration, among them Sir Edward Baker Littlehales, Sir Charles Saxton, Alexander Marsden and Robert Peel, his papers relating to the Wolfe family's finances and some fragmentary personal letters, largely relating to his family matters and social and business engagements.
Main Creator: Wolfe, John, 1753-1816
Extent:88 folders.
Call Number: MS 50,113/4-60 (Manuscripts Reading Room)
Rights:Reproduction rights owned by the National Library of Ireland.