Letter from Patrick McCartan to Joseph McGarrity hoping to set the record straight regarding Alexander Sullivan and his "Triangle" group,

1936 February 4.

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Bibliographic Details
Main Creator: McCartan, Patrick, 1878-1963
Contributors: McGarrity, Joseph, 1874-1940
Summary:Patrick McCartan disagrees with Le Roux, author of biographies of Patrick Pearse and Thomas J. Clarke, regarding the role of Alexander Sullivan in giving Dr Thomas Gallagher and Thomas J. Clarke away to the English as they planned a bombing in London in 1883. McCartan suspects it was the spy Le Caron who betrayed them and wishes McGarrity and others to have it corrected. Also states that John Devoy "is not to be trusted on a man who differed with him".
In collection: Joseph McGarrity Papers, 1789-1971
Format: Manuscript
Notes:Physical description: 1 item (1 page).