IV.iv. Manuscript draft of an autobiographical account of actress Máire Nic Shiubhlaigh's early life,

Bibliographic Details
Main Creator: Nic Shiubhlaigh, Máire, 1883-1958
Summary:Nic Shiubhlaigh provides an account of her early life in Dublin and Co. Carlow, her family's recollections of the Parnellite split in Carlow where her father worked on the newspaper 'The Carlow Vindicator', her return to Dublin, and subsequent involvement with both the Gaelic League and Inginidhe na hÉireann and her first appearance on stage as part of the Inginidhe na hÉireann's Tableaux of Irish History. An incomplete draft.
In collection: Máire Nic Shiubhlaigh Additional Papers (2002), 1907-1958.
Format: Manuscript
Notes:Physical description: 12 pp.

IV.iv. Manuscript draft of an autobiographical account of actress Máire Nic Shiubhlaigh's early life,

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Bibliographic Details
In Collection: Máire Nic Shiubhlaigh Additional Papers (2002), 1907-1958.
Description:Nic Shiubhlaigh provides an account of her early life in Dublin and Co. Carlow, her family's recollections of the Parnellite split in Carlow where her father worked on the newspaper 'The Carlow Vindicator', her return to Dublin, and subsequent involvement with both the Gaelic League and Inginidhe na hÉireann and her first appearance on stage as part of the Inginidhe na hÉireann's Tableaux of Irish History. An incomplete draft.
Main Creator: Nic Shiubhlaigh, Máire, 1883-1958
Extent:12 pp.
Call Number: MS 49,752/35 (Manuscripts Reading Room)
Rights:Reproduction rights owned by the National Library of Ireland.