In the subjoined extract from the celebrated reply to the Earl of Shrewsbury's pamphlets, O'Connell for the first time, and with dignified eloquence, gives expression to his own sentiments with reference to the services and sacrfices on which the national tribute is based /
Daniel O'Connell.
Main Creator: | |
Format: | Book |
Language: | English |
Published / Created: |
Dublin :
ca. 1840]
Subjects: | |
Notes: | This item is held in the Department of Ephemera. Physical description: 1 folded sheet (3 p.) ; 25 x 21 cm. Varying form of title: [Extract from Daniel O'Connell's reply to the Earl of Shrewsbury's pamphlet]. more |
As a digital copy of this item is available, the original will not be issued.
Call Number | View In | Collection |
EPH E573 |
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Ephemera |
Reproduction rights owned by the National Library of Ireland.