Funeral arms and commissions for Visitations;

ca. 1567-1640
Bibliographic Details
Main Creator: Ireland. Genealogical Office
Summary:Contains the following:

Copy of Patent to Nicholas Narbon, Ulster to carry out visitations etc. 1567 (pp. 1-2).

Copy of Letters Patent giving Authority to Daniel Molyneux, Ulster King of Arms, Feb.27, 1607 (pp. 2-4).

Copy of Commission to Daniel Molyneux, Ulster, 1626 (pp. 4-6).

Copy of Patent to Daniel Molyneux authorizing a scale of fees chargeable, Nov. 24, 1626 (pp. 4-6).

Copy of a Patent to William Camden, Clarenceaux King of Armes confirming his duties, Aug. 1, 1603 (pp. 7-9).

Copy of Patent to St. George, Clarenceux King of Arms, and Brough Norroy King of Arms, Dec. 25, 1633 (pp. 9-12).

Drawing of Scotcheons used at the burial of the Lady Montgomery, daughter of Sir William Stewart Bart., c. 1635 (p. 14).

Order by Garter and Clarenceux as to Arms, 1634 (pp. 14-15).

Orders for visitations under the Queen's hand, 1584 (pp. 16-18).

Copy of commission to Sir Richard Carney, Ulster, 1682 (pp. 21-24).

Copy of Letters Patent commissioning Richard Carney, Ulster King of Arms to carry out the duties of his office, July 26, 1684 (pp. 21-24).

Note by Thomas Preston, Ulster, that on Sept. 25, 1633 a Patent of the office of Ulster King of Arms to him Thomas Preston, Portcullis passed the Great Seal of Ireland bearing date Sept. 21, 1633 (p. 46).

Drawings of Achievements of Arms used at the Interment of Sir Valentine Browne, Baronet, Oct. 1633 (pp. 47-48).

Drawing of the Achievements of Arms used at the Funeral of Patrick Sedgrave of Killeglan in Co. Meath, Oct. 6, 1633 (p. 49).

Drawing of Achievements of Arms used at a Funeral for a Miss Loftus then Mrs. Parsons, Oct. 29, 1633 (p. 50).

Tricks of achievements of Leightborn Parsons of Castle Carbery in Co. Kildare, c. 1633 (p. 50).

Drawing of Scotcheons used at Burial of Mrs. Lightborn of Carbery Castle in Co. Kildare, daughter of Nicholas Stafford, Bishop of Fernes and Leighlin, c.1633 (p. 51).

Trick of achievement of Frances Kynaston of Saul in the Co. Down, c.1633 (p. 51).

Trick of achievement of Gibborn, c.1633 (p. 51).

Drawing of Scotcheons appropriate for use by Frances Kynaston of Saul in the Co. Downe, c.1634 (pp. 51-52).

Trick of achievement of William Conway of Dublin who departed this world Jan. 13, 1633 (p. 52).

Drawing of Scotcheon of William Conway of Dublin gent., impaling Purdon who departed thias world January 13, 1633 (p. 53).

Drawing of Scotcheons used at the Burial of Mr. Jacob Newman, Jan. 9, 1634 (p. 57).

Trick of achievements of Mr. Jacob Newman, Jan. 9, 1634 (p. 57).

Drawing of Scotcheons used at Burial of Edward Kenaston of Dublin on Feb. 26, 1634 (p. 58).

Trick of achievement of Mr. Edward Kinaston of Dublin, Feb. 26, 1634 (p. 58).

Drawing of Scotcheons of May impaling Duffe used for a burial, May 6, 1635 (p. 59).

Drawing of Scotcheons used at the burial of Robert Barnewall of Drumbroe in Co. Dublin, showing Barnewall impaling Talbot and impaling Good, on April 5, 1635 (p. 59).

Note by Ulster that he has given Mr. James Barnewall of Drumbroe to prove before the end of six months next that the Barnewalls of Crexton is the oldest house of Barnewall and that Barnewall of Drumbroe are a second house of Crexton, April 5, 1635 (p. 59).

Trick of Achievements of Sir John Philpott with arms of Poulter, Aug. 17, 1636 (p. 60).

Some tricks of Arms unidentified but probably Irish and containing an impalement for a female Usher, c.1635 (pp. 62-63).

Trick of arms of Denny of the King Co. (Offaly), possibly of Lancashire, c.1635 (p. 120).

Trick of Arms marked in a later hand "Denny of the King's Co." bearing - cable a chevron az. between three fleurs de Lye of the second, c.1640 (p. 121).
In collection: Genealogical Office Manuscript Collection
Format: Manuscript
Citation:Genealogical Office Manuscripts Collection, National Library of Ireland
Notes:Available on microfilm: POS 9216

Physical description: 1 volume (140 folios)

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Reproduction rights owned by the National Library of Ireland.