Letter from Tom Clarke, to Kathleen Daly, concerning his arrival in New York,

1899 Nov. 5.
Bibliographic Details
Main Creator: Clarke, Thomas James, 1858-1916
Contributors: Clarke, Kathleen, 1878-1972
Summary:Clarke refers to his prospects for finding work in New York, and his having abandoned all plans to conduct a lecture tour in the US.
In collection: Tom Clarke and Kathleen Clarke Papers, 1890-1972.
Format: Manuscript
Notes:Physical description: 1 item (4 pages)

Letter from Tom Clarke, to Kathleen Daly, concerning his arrival in New York,

1899 Nov. 5.
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Bibliographic Details
In Collection: Tom Clarke and Kathleen Clarke Papers, 1890-1972.
Description:Clarke refers to his prospects for finding work in New York, and his having abandoned all plans to conduct a lecture tour in the US.
Main Creator: Clarke, Thomas James, 1858-1916
Extent:1 item (4 pages)
Call Number: MS 49,351/2/1 (Manuscripts Reading Room)
Rights:Copyright owned by the National Library of Ireland.