An answer to a challenge made by a Jesuite in Ireland [W.B., i.e. William Malone] :

Wherein, the judgment of antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the novelty of the now Romish doctrine plainly discovered. To which is added a discourse of the religion anciently professed by the Irish and British : [with a brief declaration of universality of the Church of Christ ... : delivered in a sermon ... 20th of June, 1624, at Wanstead : the fourth impression ...] /
by ... James Usher, ...
Bibliographic Details
Main Creator: Ussher, James, 1581-1656.
Contributors: Malone, William, 1586-1656?
Format: Book
Published / Created: London : printed for Benjamin Tooke, 1686[i.e.1687]
Edition:The fourth edition corrected and augmented from a copy left under the authors own hand
Notes:"A discourse of the religion anciently professed by the Irish and British, ... London, 1687" and "A brief declaration of the universality of the Church of Christ; ... The fourth impression, ... London, 1687" each has a separate titlepage, pagination and register

Pages 18-19, 342-343 of first group mispaginated 19-18, 343-342 respectively. Pages 258-279 omitted

LO 12280 was previously at Ir 28282 u 1.

Physical description: [20], 257, 280-431, [9];[8], 99, [5];31, [1] p ; small and 4to

Citations/References: Wing U150

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LO 12280
Manuscripts Reading Room
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LO 4888
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Librarian's Office