Keating's History of Ireland, translated into English. Short account of the topography of Co. Kerry including Sceillig Mhichael by Tha. Moynihan. Transcribed by Humfry Moynihan and Th. Moynihan, 1697-9.

Bibliographic Details
Format: Microfilm
Notes:The National Library of Ireland holds a microfilm copy (n.3444, p.3062).

A microfilm copy of the original item held at Dublin: Trinity College Library (Ms. 1443 (H. 2. 14))

Keating's History of Ireland, translated into English. Short account of the topography of Co. Kerry including Sceillig Mhichael by Tha. Moynihan. Transcribed by Humfry Moynihan and Th. Moynihan, 1697-9. Dublin: Trinity College Library

Call Number Collection
n.3444, p.3062.
