Correspondence, in French, of the Bureau of the Irish Colleges, in France with the Administrateurs du Prytanée, asking that the revenues of the Irish college of Louvain be given to them, with notes on the Louvain revenue an XI (1803).

Bibliographic Details
Format: Microfilm
Notes:The National Library of Ireland holds a microfilm copy (n.641, p.124).

A microfilm copy of the original item held at Paris: Archives Nationales (Cote H3. 2533)

Correspondence, in French, of the Bureau of the Irish Colleges, in France with the Administrateurs du Prytanée, asking that the revenues of the Irish college of Louvain be given to them, with notes on the Louvain revenue an XI (1803). Paris: Archives Nationales

Call Number Collection
n.641, p.124.
