Extracts from the rolls of Edward I, II and III, giving value and extent of all Irish bishopricks; Excerpta ex libro albo ecclesiae S. Trin. Dublin; Register of the pedigree of Thomas, late Earl of Ormond, by R. Rothe, 1616; Excerpta ex volumine sermonum Ricardi filii Radulphi, Archiep. Armach. 17th century copies.
Format: | Microfilm |
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Notes: | The National Library of Ireland holds a microfilm copy (n.260, p.429). A microfilm copy of the original item held at London: British Museum (Add. Ms. 4792) Extracts from the rolls of Edward I, II and III, giving value and extent of all Irish bishopricks; Excerpta ex libro albo ecclesiae S. Trin. Dublin; Register of the pedigree of Thomas, late Earl of Ormond, by R. Rothe, 1616; Excerpta ex volumine sermonum Ricardi filii Radulphi, Archiep. Armach. 17th century copies. London: British Museum more |
Call Number | Collection | |
n.260, p.429. |
Microfilm |