Reports on troop movements in Ireland, on the exchange of English and French generals, 1799. Letter of J. Falcon to Lord Pelham, concerning Mr. O'Brien, American Consul, April 22, 1803.
Format: | Microfilm |
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Notes: | The National Library of Ireland holds a microfilm copy (n.1032, p.174). A microfilm copy of the original item held at Paris: Archives Nationales (Fonds AF. IV. Cote 1672. Plaq 1: (Extracts)) Reports on troop movements in Ireland, on the exchange of English and French generals, 1799. Letter of J. Falcon to Lord Pelham, concerning Mr. O'Brien, American Consul, April 22, 1803. Paris: Archives Nationales more |
Call Number | Collection | |
n.1032, p.174. |
Microfilm |