Poem to his Excellency the Earl of Chesterfield, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1745-6. By one Jones a journeyman bricklayer. Begins: "Amidst th' applause which art and learning bring", c.1746.

Bibliographic Details
Format: Microfilm
Notes:The National Library of Ireland holds a microfilm copy (n.1964, p.1491).

A microfilm copy of the original item held at London: British Museum (Stowe Ms. 966: (Extract))

Poem to his Excellency the Earl of Chesterfield, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1745-6. By one Jones a journeyman bricklayer. Begins: "Amidst th' applause which art and learning bring", c.1746. London: British Museum

Call Number Collection
n.1964, p.1491.
