Miscellaneous papers on Irish affairs. Sir P. Carew's life by J. Hooker, 1575. Description of Dalriada by C. O Duigennan. Submission of Tyrone to Sir W. Russell, 1594. Papers relating to the war in Ireland, 1598-1600, 17th c.

Bibliographic Details
Format: Microfilm
Notes:The National Library of Ireland holds a microfilm copy (n.389-90, p.8-9).

A microfilm copy of the original item held at London: British Museum (Add. Ms. 4763)

Miscellaneous papers on Irish affairs. Sir P. Carew's life by J. Hooker, 1575. Description of Dalriada by C. O Duigennan. Submission of Tyrone to Sir W. Russell, 1594. Papers relating to the war in Ireland, 1598-1600, 17th c. London: British Museum

Call Number Collection
n.389-90, p.8-9.
