Judgment in the Liberty Court of Trim for the repossessing John de Carew in the manor of Ballimaclethen against Jeffery Travers, 1346. Form of the process of the Liberty of Trim, 1345.

Bibliographic Details
Format: Microfilm
Notes:The National Library of Ireland holds a microfilm copy (n.2796, p.1698).

A microfilm copy of the original item held at London: Lambeth Palace Library (Ms. 606: (Extracts))

Judgment in the Liberty Court of Trim for the repossessing John de Carew in the manor of Ballimaclethen against Jeffery Travers, 1346. Form of the process of the Liberty of Trim, 1345. London: Lambeth Palace Library

Call Number Collection
n.2796, p.1698.
