Fragment known as Psalter of St. Caimín: a portion of the psalm Beati immaculati, with marginal and interlinear scholia and a few Irish glosses and a note in the hand of Micheál Ó Clérigh. Late 11th or early 12th c. vellum.

Bibliographic Details
Format: Microfilm
Notes:The National Library of Ireland holds a microfilm copy (n.484, p.239).

A microfilm copy of the original item held at Dublin: Franciscan Library, Killiney (Gaelic Ms. A. 1)

Fragment known as Psalter of St. Caimín: a portion of the psalm Beati immaculati, with marginal and interlinear scholia and a few Irish glosses and a note in the hand of Micheál Ó Clérigh. Late 11th or early 12th c. vellum. Dublin: Franciscan Library, Killiney

Call Number Collection
n.484, p.239.
