Papers relating to the Regiments of Clare, Roth, Dillon and Lally and to Capt. T. Bourk, O'Cahan, Lt. Col. Roth, Lt. Gen. Lee, New Irish and Scottish levies 1744.

Bibliographic Details
Format: Microfilm
Notes:The National Library of Ireland holds a microfilm copy (n.1972, p.189).

A microfilm copy of the original item held at Paris: Archives Nationales (Fonds Guerre A. I. Cotes 3068-9, 3072, 3075: (Extracts))

Papers relating to the Regiments of Clare, Roth, Dillon and Lally and to Capt. T. Bourk, O'Cahan, Lt. Col. Roth, Lt. Gen. Lee, New Irish and Scottish levies 1744. Paris: Archives Nationales

Call Number Collection
n.1972, p.189.
