Letters form Lord Monteagle to Sir R. Bourke, dealing with personal and public affairs, 1825; 1829; 1840-41; 1848. Draft introduction to edition of Edmund Burke's letters together with correspondence re the collection of material for the work 1824-52.

Bibliographic Details
Format: Microfilm
Notes:The National Library of Ireland holds a microfilm copy (n.4145, p.3816).

A microfilm copy of the original item held at Sydney: Mitchell Library ()

Letters form Lord Monteagle to Sir R. Bourke, dealing with personal and public affairs, 1825; 1829; 1840-41; 1848. Draft introduction to edition of Edmund Burke's letters together with correspondence re the collection of material for the work 1824-52. Sydney: Mitchell Library

Call Number Collection
n.4145, p.3816.
