Copy of the Charter of foundation of the College of King Charles, attached to the Cathedral of Armagh, May 23, 1634. Orders and statutes of (Hugh Boulter) Archbp. of Armagh for the government of the College July 17, 1731.

Bibliographic Details
Format: Microfilm
Notes:The National Library of Ireland holds a microfilm copy (n.618, p.27).

A microfilm copy of the original item held at London: British Museum (Add. Ms. 11,273)

Copy of the Charter of foundation of the College of King Charles, attached to the Cathedral of Armagh, May 23, 1634. Orders and statutes of (Hugh Boulter) Archbp. of Armagh for the government of the College July 17, 1731. London: British Museum

Call Number Collection
n.618, p.27.
