Notebook Partly in the handwriting of Dean Swift, containing letters of Swift to W. Walker, Lord Mayor of Dublin, about the admission of E. Reyly to the Blue Coat School, Oct. 7, 1737; an expense account of Swift, May to Aug. 1735 with list of tenants in the Deanery and at Rathbeggan

Bibliographic Details
Format: Microfilm
Notes:The National Library of Ireland holds a microfilm copy (n.824, p.946).

A microfilm copy of the original item held at Dublin: Royal Irish Academy (Ms. 24. C. 31)

Physical description: 35 songs and poems

Notebook Partly in the handwriting of Dean Swift, containing letters of Swift to W. Walker, Lord Mayor of Dublin, about the admission of E. Reyly to the Blue Coat School, Oct. 7, 1737; an expense account of Swift, May to Aug. 1735 with list of tenants in the Deanery and at Rathbeggan Dublin: Royal Irish Academy

Call Number Collection
n.824, p.946.
