Cavalca (Domenico): La expositione del Credo in Dio, (Italian), 14th c. A palimpsest. First text an 8th or 9th century Evangeliarium from Bobbio, now illegible as a result of damage by burning.

Bibliographic Details
Format: Microfilm
Notes:The National Library of Ireland holds a microfilm copy (n.2995, p.2616).

A microfilm copy of the original item held at Turin: Biblioteca Nazionale (Ms. O. IV. 20 (1876))

Cavalca (Domenico): La expositione del Credo in Dio, (Italian), 14th c. A palimpsest. First text an 8th or 9th century Evangeliarium from Bobbio, now illegible as a result of damage by burning. Turin: Biblioteca Nazionale

Call Number Collection
n.2995, p.2616.
