Codex Epternacensis. The Gospels of Willibrord. Written in insular semi-uncial, with Irish ornamentation. The codex came from St. Willibrord's monastery at Echternach 8th c. (?).

Bibliographic Details
Format: Microfilm
Notes:The National Library of Ireland holds a microfilm copy (n.3070, p.2691).

A microfilm copy of the original item held at Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale (Fonds Lat. Ms. 9389)

Codex Epternacensis. The Gospels of Willibrord. Written in insular semi-uncial, with Irish ornamentation. The codex came from St. Willibrord's monastery at Echternach 8th c. (?). Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale

Call Number Collection
n.3070, p.2691.
