Letter of Sir R. Southwell to the Earl of Ranelagh, paymaster-general, March 28, 1692. The Lords Justices' opinion on the Report of the Committee for Trade and Plantations about the Earl of Bellomont's salary, July 16, 1695.

Bibliographic Details
Format: Microfilm
Notes:The National Library of Ireland holds a microfilm copy (n.365, p.526).

A microfilm copy of the original item held at London: British Museum (Add. Ms. 21,494: (Extracts))

Letter of Sir R. Southwell to the Earl of Ranelagh, paymaster-general, March 28, 1692. The Lords Justices' opinion on the Report of the Committee for Trade and Plantations about the Earl of Bellomont's salary, July 16, 1695. London: British Museum

Call Number Collection
n.365, p.526.
