Letters to Henry Coventry, Secretary of State, from the Duke of Ormonde, April, 1663 - Sept., 1678; Oct., 1678 - April, 1680.

Bibliographic Details
Format: Microfilm
Notes:The National Library of Ireland holds a microfilm copy (n.3997-8, p.3668-9).

A microfilm copy of the original item held at Bath, Marquis of, Library, Longleat (Coventry Papers, Vol. 19-20)

Letters to Henry Coventry, Secretary of State, from the Duke of Ormonde, April, 1663 - Sept., 1678; Oct., 1678 - April, 1680. Bath, Marquis of, Library, Longleat

Call Number Collection
n.3997-8, p.3668-9.
