Letter-book of Alexander Oliphant & Co., wine merchants of Ayr including correspondence with Gelan Thompson & Co., Belfast, Thos. Barry of Guernsey, James Forde, Drogheda, John Callan & Son, Drogheda, Blacks Murray & Co., Belfast, Simons Blacks & Murray, Dublin, Andrew Thompson, Newry, George Hatchill, Wexford, 1766-71.

Bibliographic Details
Format: Microfilm
Notes:The National Library of Ireland holds a microfilm copy (n.4317, p.3988).

A microfilm copy of the original item held at Edinburgh: Scottish Record Office ()

Letter-book of Alexander Oliphant & Co., wine merchants of Ayr including correspondence with Gelan Thompson & Co., Belfast, Thos. Barry of Guernsey, James Forde, Drogheda, John Callan & Son, Drogheda, Blacks Murray & Co., Belfast, Simons Blacks & Murray, Dublin, Andrew Thompson, Newry, George Hatchill, Wexford, 1766-71. Edinburgh: Scottish Record Office

Call Number Collection
n.4317, p.3988.
