Discourse by the King's Commissioners on the intended plantation in Co. Wexford with letters, etc. from the King to Chichester on the same, 1613-16. Copies of certayne evidences concerning Lord Burghe of Castle Cornell. Release from Maurice, Earl of Desmond to James Bared (Barrett), Cork, May 22, 1495.

Bibliographic Details
Format: Microfilm
Notes:The National Library of Ireland holds a microfilm copy (n.4213, p.3884).

A microfilm copy of the original item held at Oxford: Bodleian Library (Ms. Laud Misc. 611)

Discourse by the King's Commissioners on the intended plantation in Co. Wexford with letters, etc. from the King to Chichester on the same, 1613-16. Copies of certayne evidences concerning Lord Burghe of Castle Cornell. Release from Maurice, Earl of Desmond to James Bared (Barrett), Cork, May 22, 1495. Oxford: Bodleian Library

Call Number Collection
n.4213, p.3884.
