Letter of A. Bichi in Brussels to Cardinal Barberini enclosing a letter from Nicholas Shea (who has come to Brussels with H. de Burgo), giving an account of the state of Ireland, Feb., 1643.

Bibliographic Details
Format: Microfilm
Notes:The National Library of Ireland holds a microfilm copy (n.2909, p.2530).

A microfilm copy of the original item held at Rome: Archivio Vaticano (Nunz. di Fiandra: Vol. 25A: (Extract))

Letter of A. Bichi in Brussels to Cardinal Barberini enclosing a letter from Nicholas Shea (who has come to Brussels with H. de Burgo), giving an account of the state of Ireland, Feb., 1643. Rome: Archivio Vaticano

Call Number Collection
n.2909, p.2530.
