Instructions given by the King to Sir A. St. Leger, Sir T. Cusack, the Archbp. of Dublin (Browne), the Bp. of Meath (Staples), Sir G. Ailmer, Sir T. Luttrell, P. Barnwell and others, the Privy Council, for the better government of Ireland, July, 1550.

Bibliographic Details
Format: Microfilm
Notes:The National Library of Ireland holds a microfilm copy (n.1698, p.1440).

A microfilm copy of the original item held at London: British Museum (Lansdowne Ms. 155: (Extract))

Instructions given by the King to Sir A. St. Leger, Sir T. Cusack, the Archbp. of Dublin (Browne), the Bp. of Meath (Staples), Sir G. Ailmer, Sir T. Luttrell, P. Barnwell and others, the Privy Council, for the better government of Ireland, July, 1550. London: British Museum

Call Number Collection
n.1698, p.1440.
