Petition of the journeymen shearmen and dyers to the Archbp. of Dublin, William III's letter to the Lords Justices, concerning the linnen manufacture of Ireland, 1698. Report of commissioners appointed to consider an address by the Commons to Queen Anne on the linnen manufacture, 18th c.

Bibliographic Details
Format: Microfilm
Notes:The National Library of Ireland holds a microfilm copy (n.2836, p.1946).

A microfilm copy of the original item held at Dublin: Marsh's Library (Ms. Z3. 1. 1: (Extracts).)

Petition of the journeymen shearmen and dyers to the Archbp. of Dublin, William III's letter to the Lords Justices, concerning the linnen manufacture of Ireland, 1698. Report of commissioners appointed to consider an address by the Commons to Queen Anne on the linnen manufacture, 18th c. Dublin: Marsh's Library

Call Number Collection
n.2836, p.1946.
