Account of the fate of some ships of the Armada on the coast of Ireland. Annales Hiberniae ex Pembrigio ... collecti per J. Waraeum. Annales Nenaghtenses. In miscellanea collected by Ussher, 17th c.
Format: | Microfilm |
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Notes: | The National Library of Ireland holds a microfilm copy (n.3889, p.3560). A microfilm copy of the original item held at Dublin: Trinity College Library (Ms. 578 (E. 3. 10)) Account of the fate of some ships of the Armada on the coast of Ireland. Annales Hiberniae ex Pembrigio ... collecti per J. Waraeum. Annales Nenaghtenses. In miscellanea collected by Ussher, 17th c. Dublin: Trinity College Library more |
Call Number | Collection | |
n.3889, p.3560. |
Microfilm |