Notebook containing John MacBride's account of transactions with his wife Maud Gonne from 25 Nov. 1904 - 24 Jan. 1905, including a detailed account of a meeting with her on 31 Dec. 1904, copy correspondence of MacBride, Maud Gonne, their solicitors R. Barry O'Brien and Philip Witham, Victor Collins, John O'Leary and Suzanne Foccart, a Carmelite, and an autobiographical account of his life and marriage by MacBride, including references to Maud Gonne's 'ex-' and 'paramours'. [Mar. - Nov. 1905]

Bibliographic Details
Format: Manuscript
Notes:Physical description: In 2 hands, 127p
Citation:Frederick J. Allan Papers
Call Number View In Collection
Ms. 29,817
Manuscripts Reading Room
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