Typescript of 'The Image', a play in three acts by Lady Gregory, with some manuscript alterations in the text, also fourteen loose pages of a change in Act III, and printed lighting and property plots,

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Bibliographic Details
Main Creator: Gregory, Lady, 1852-1932
Contributors: Abbey Theatre
Format: Manuscript
Notes:The National Library of Ireland holds a microfilm copy (Neg. 6374, Pos. 7378).

Physical description: 1 item.


Typescript of 'The Image', a play in three acts by Lady Gregory, with some manuscript alterations in the text, also fourteen loose pages of a change in Act III, and printed lighting and property plots,

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Bibliographic Details
In Collection: Abbey Theatre Papers.
Main Creator: Gregory, Lady, 1852-1932
Extent:1 item.
The National Library of Ireland holds a microfilm copy (Neg. 6374, Pos. 7378).
Call Number: MS 21,376 (Manuscripts Reading Room)
POS. 7378
Rights:Reproduction rights owned by the National Library of Ireland.
Corporate Author:Abbey Theatre