
[Receipt] Soda water, &c. Augustine Thwaites, Sen: and Jun. apothecaries, 40 Marlborough-Street, Dublin. :

Beg leave to inform their friends and the public, that they continue to prepare waters in imitation of every mineral spring in use, with that attention to chemical accuracy which has gained them such an established reputation. They have for sale a constant supply of soda water, double and single, Rochelle water, double and single, Cheltenham water, double and single, selters, Pyrmont, Harrowgate and sulphurated soda waters. The superior efficacy and purity of these waters having received the decided approbation of the medical gentlemen of this city, (for patronage they beg leave to return their thanks), they have only to add, that their claim to prior invention in this kingdom is established, (the Professor of Chemistry in this University [Trinity College Dublin] having in the year 1800 made use of soda water in an experiment then exhibited, which in terms of marked approbation, he mentioned to be prepared by Mr. A. Thwaites). It is to be remarked, that the principle of the impregnation of soda water is applicable to that of all the other kinds. N.B. the public are requested to observe that the jars are stamped in the glass with Thwaites, and sold only at their house. Lucan water from the well, at 6s. 6d. per dozen. 1802 June 8 / Dublin, Bought of Augustine Thwaites, Sen. & Jun. / Rig. Hone. Lt. [Right Honourable Lieutenant] Colonel Thomas Mahon - Two dozen of Pyrmont....[Total] £1 - 8 - 2 [1 pound 8 shillings and 2 pence].